/ Videos / IRSX - Smart Infrared Camera Application: Flare Monitoring (Process Monitoring)
IRSX – Smart Infrared Camera Application: Flare Monitoring (Process Monitoring)
Problem Description: Monitoring a flare on an industrial chimney is a complex and extremely sensitive task. Reliable monitoring must be ensured to prevent environmental damage. Problem Solution: Monitoring the flare with our IR camera allows reliable flare monitoring without losses.
Advantages of the IRSX-I:
- Temperature trend evaluation through LUA-Script
- Alarm signal output: Modbus, Profinet, MQTT, OPCUA, REST API
- Job Concept: Various configurations for different tasks including alarming
- Wide selection of lenses (optimal field of view)
- Customized display achievable via Rest API
- App Simulator (Digital Twin) for job creation and testing
- Effective area monitoring through the IRSX Simulator
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